متن ترجمه شده رژيم والارد ترجمه متن Vollaard regimen

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Vollaard regimen

Dr Niels Vollaard at the University of Stirling proposed that when high-intensity intervals are done at ‘all-out’ intensities, associated health benefits plateau after performing 2 or 3 sprint repetitions. This led to the development of a 10-minute exercise routine consisting of easy pedalling interspersed with two 20-second ‘all-out’ cycling sprints.[18] In a 2017 meta-analysis, Vollaard indeed showed that common protocols with as many as 6 to 10 repetitions of 30-second ‘all-out’ sprints do not improve aerobic fitness more than the ‘2x20-s’ protocol.[19] It is claimed that this short protocol may remove many of the drawbacks that make other high-intensity interval training protocols unsuitable for the general population.[20]

In a BBC Horizon programme in February 2012, Jamie Timmons, professor of systems biology at the University of Loughborough, put Michael Mosley through this exercise bike regimen, but with three sprints instead of two. This was done three times a week for a total of 30 minutes of exercise per week (3 minutes of intense exercise), plus warm-up and recovery time.

Regimen comparison

Wood et al. compared High-intensity interval training of eight 1-minute bouts at 85% Wmax interspersed with a 1-minute active recovery at 25% Wmax v Sprint interval training of eight 30-second bouts at 130% Wmax interspersed with 90-second active recovery at 25% Wmax. (Total time matched at 24 mins including warm up & cool down). Their conclusion was "HIIT is the recommended routine" but "the magnitude of differences in various parameters between regimens was small; therefore, preference for either modality may be up to the individual".[21]

Health effects

Cardiovascular fitness

A 2015 systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found that HIIT training and traditional endurance training both lead to significantly improved cardiovascular fitness in healthy adults ages 18–45 but greater improvements in VO2 max were seen in those participating in the HIIT exercise regimen.[22] Another analysis also found that HIIT regimens of one month or longer effectively improve cardiovascular fitness in adolescents and lead to moderate improvements in body composition.[23] Furthermore, a separate systematic review and meta-analysis of seven small randomized controlled trials found that HIIT (defined as four intervals of four minutes at 85–95% of max heart rate with three-minute intervals at 60–70% of max heart rate) was more effective than moderate-intensity continuous training at improving blood vessel function and markers of blood vessel health.[24]

متن فارسي:

رژیم والارد

دکتر نیلز والارد در دانشگاه استرلینگ پیشنهاد کرد وقتی تمرینات در فواصل با شدت بالا در "همه چیز" انجام می­شود، مزایای سلامت مرتبط با آن پس از انجام تکرار 2 تا 3 برابر است. این منجر به ارائه یک تمرین ورزشی 10 دقیقه­ای شد که شامل پدال آسان با دو سرعت دوچرخه سواری 20 ثانیه­ای تمام شد. [18] در یک بررسی متاآنالیز 2017، والارد در واقع نشان داد که پروتکلهای مشترک با 6 تا 10 تکرار با حداکثر سرعت 30 ثانیه در هر ثانیه، بیش از پروتکل 2x20-s، بهبود تناسب اندام هوازی را بهبود نمی­بخشد. ادعا می­شود که این پروتکل کوتاه می­تواند بسیاری از نقایص را حذف کند تا دیگر پروتکلهای تمرین با شدت بالا را برای جمعیت عمومی مناسب نباشد. [20]

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برچسب ها: متن ترجمه شده رژيم والارد ترجمه متن Vollaard regimen
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